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Benefits of Guava Leaf Red for Treatment

Posted by Zacky
From Nature To Us, Updated at: 6:51 PM

Posted by Zacky on Wednesday, April 20, 2016

Benefits of Guava Leaf Red for Treatment
FromMyNatural - Guava is known to have many benefits. For pregnant women, if eating guava, it will help the growth of the baby's brain, so that it can make children smarter. In addition, it's been a lot of traditional medicines made from natural ingredients and sold to reduce the use of drugs made from chemicals.

Traditional medicines is not so fast cure or take a long time to heal, but the superiority of traditional medicines have no side effects because it is made from ingredients taken from nature does not like drugs made from chemicals for sure can cause side effects to the body.

Already many traditional medicines that can cure various diseases that kill. One of the materials that can be used as traditional medicines are guava leaves. 

Besides guava fruit is often consumed by people leaves could also be used as a traditional medicine. Existing content in guava leaves for example guajaverin acid, acid oleanolat, psidoklat acid, tannins, fatty oils, and vitamins.

1# Lowering Cholesterol
Guava leaves are very effective for lowering cholesterol levels in the body and can also lower triglycerides.

A study says that consuming guava leaves regularly, it can lower bad cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood within 4 till 12 weeks.

It's easy enough to boil guava leaves as much as 7 pieces, 2 leaves ceremai, 10 pieces of betel leaf and boiled in 3 cups of water until leaving the dregs. Drink half a cup 2 times a day.

2# Treating Dengue
Guava leaves are also very powerful cure dengue fever because inside there is the content of guava leaf Quercetin enzymes which serve to hinder the process of the formation of enzyme mRNA so that it can kill the dengue virus earlier.

You do this by boiling the leaves of guava and dirbus many as 5 pieces with 2 cups water to boil and drink every 4 hours until healed.

3# Cure Diarrhea
Guava leaves are already well known to be used for treating diarrhea because of guava leaf extract can kill the bacteria Staphylococcus aureus is a major cause of bacterial diarrhea and can make the stomach relieved after taking it.

The way is to boil the leaves as much as 30 grams and a handful of rice and boiled with 2 cups water after it was taken 2 times a day.

4. Drug Thrush
Besides the fruit, guava leaves are also proven to contain lots of vitamin C that can be used to treat thrush.

By boiling 1 handful of guava leaves and 1 finger bark guava trees then boiled with 1 liter of water and filtered and then taken 2 times a day.

5# Healing Wounds
The content contained in guava are astringent to stop bleeding when injured. Enough to chew the leaves 3 and stick to it to the wound.

6# Addressing Hemorrhoid
Guava leaves are also very powerful to overcome the hemorrhoid by means of growing and a few leaves of guava with bananas stone to remove the water, and then the juice is filtered and drunk every day.

7# Solve Frequent urination
Stopping excessive beser can be stopped by eating guava leaves as much as 3 pieces plus a little salt and pepper. Do this 2 times a day.

8# Treating Pain Skin
Treating skin diseases with guava leaves enough to crush the handful of leaves of guava with plus 7 guava buds and placed on the skin of the sick.

9# Addressing Bloating
Enough to boil 3 pieces of guava leaves plus a half finger pulosari tree bark and 5 grains of fennel and boiled in 3 cups water until the remaining 1 cup and drink.

Well, that's a series of benefits guava. Guava is very good to be consumed to keep the body from various diseases. Good luck.

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