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How to Treat Stroke To Heal

Posted by Zacky
From Nature To Us, Updated at: 7:19 PM

Posted by Zacky on Friday, April 22, 2016

How to Treat Stroke To Heal
Stroke resulting in paralysis sufferer, Stroke is an event in part of the brain damage. Occurs when the arteries that supply blood to the brain is blocked, or if the tear was also leaked.

Stroke, or cerebrovascular accident (CVA), is the loss of use of the brain quickly, because the interruption of blood supply to the brain. This can happen due to ischemia (reduced blood flow) caused by blockage (thrombosis, arterial embolism), or the presence of haemorrhage (bleeding).

Therefore, the area affected by stroke can not function (paralysis), for instance Symptoms include: hemiplegia (inability for generating one or more limbs on one side of the body, aphasia (inability to understand or speak), or are not able to create a look one side of the viewing area (visual field).

Stroke requires emergency action medical (medical emergency) during the gold (the golden period) maximum lasting only a few hours after the stroke. This is necessary to prevent permanent damage or further damage. Together if left untreated, can even lead to death. Stroke is the third largest cause of death along with the first in causing disability in adults in the United States and Europe.

Factors that increase the risk of stroke are: age, high blood pressure, previous stroke, diabetes, high cholesterol, smoking, atrial fibrillation, migraine with aura, along with thrombophilia (likely thrombosis). Of all the factors that are most easily controlled high blood pressure along with the smoke.

How to cure paralysis due to stroke to normal again

Treat paralysis in stroke patients should patiently, as if only his heart was not in the mood to us or the other family it would be impeded healing, how to treat patients suffering from paralysis due to stroke should solemnly and sincerely remain always patient. because it is the key.

How to treat stroke with a massage, exercise and always move with the regular portion of the stroke patients who could not move. The purpose of joint rehabilitation training stroke recovery is restoring the capacity of joint motion to limb disorders or paralysis in order to do usual activities or stroke patients do not need to depend on others.

Here are some exercises stroke recovery is most effective to stretch the muscles that move the limbs when the practice was not injured, among others are:
  • Provide assistance to people with stroke to train movements on the fingers, wrists, elbows, shoulders, hips, knees and their ankles. Create an initial move intruksikan patients sought for lifting arm and a leg on the bed. Avoid imposing a movement beyond the limits of the patient. If it is not a good idea psioterapis team or family members to help move it.
  • If there is a positive development, in which patients have been able to move the muscles better, then the next stroke recovery exercise is started coaching supportive movement by practicing walking with pedestal or stick
  • When a stroke patient has been able to move more active even in conditions of sitting or lying down, then the next stroke recovery exercises give extra weight is an exercise in overcoming the burden and constraints that must be faced in the hip area and other limbs. Stroke recovery exercises in the run is very useful for bicep along with the motion of limbs in daily activities, due to the previous exercise is only useful for restoring muscle capacity and power of motion of limbs.
  • Once the leg strength has been obtained from stroke recovery exercises above, the next step is an exercise coordination, balance (balance), and in order to maintain the stability of gestures. Exercises that can run that raising your legs, placing the heel of the other foot, shifting tumir legs, and exercises using the assistance of a ball which serves for maintaining joint stability and balance when seated body lift.
  • Exercise in water or swimming, for patients who have difficulty in balancing weigh highly recommended. Water is able to provide buoyancy as well as training sessions in the water is not too painful example physiotherapy department to another.
  • Exercise along the rehabilitation process so requires dedication and their perseverance in doing so is to increase the capacity of the brain or intelligence. Even in some cases severe stroke patients lose their memory. Then create help restore the brain to memory games can be given to stroke patients.

Mini stroke

Minor stroke or also called transient ischemic attack (TIA) can not be underestimated, the article of this disease if allowed to stand without treatment it will enable a person having a stroke dangerous.

Causes Mild Stroke

Minor stroke or TIA is generally caused by a small clot that lodged in the blood vessels of the brain. These clots can be either fat or air bubbles. The blockage will impede blood flow and lead to a lack of oxygen in certain parts of the brain, so it caused a disruption of brain function. In addition, other symptoms caused that paralysis on the side of the body, it is difficult to understand the words, loss of balance, dizziness, confusion, difficulty swallowing, blurred vision or even blindness.

Treating Mild Stroke With Soursop Leaf

Soursop is a fruit that has many benefits, in addition to fruit, it turns soursop leaves also have extraordinary properties for health, one of which is for people with mild stroke.

Here are the nutrients contained in soursop leaves:
  • Lactones comprising: Annohexocina, Annomuricina A, B, C and E, Annomutacina, Annopentocinas A, B and C, Muricoreacina
  • Gigantetronemina, Murihexocina A and C, Javoricina.
  • Isoquinoline consisting of: Anonaine, Anoniine, Atherospermine, Coreximine.
  • Lipid consisting of: Acid Gentisic, Lignoceric acid, CLA, stearic acid.

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